Become BOTH Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor & Innate-Strength® Breath Coach Qualified in One Program  


Breathing is the lowest hanging fruit and the best tool to create optimal health and fitness.  
It is the latest and greatest aspect of life which improves physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. As the industry grows to adapt breathing, you want to be at the forefront of knowledge. 
But with hundreds of established methods out there it can be confusing which one to choose. Do you choose Breath Training or is Breathwork better for your clients? Look no further. We’ll teach you both. Instead of learning methods, we’ll teach you principles. We have combined the best of all methods into one program. 
We teach you both breath training and breathwork from a global, principles based, perspective. By teaming up with the Oxygen Advantage® and layering in our knowledge, you will be fully competent to surf the breath wave and deliver the best breathing programmes to your clients. 

Are you Ready to try something different…. 

Discover the power of the breath with the world’s most comprehensive program: 
Learn the full continuum of breathing techniques and how it affects health. 
Transform your client’s health and performance. 
Host Breathwork Experiences. 
Tailor 1-2-1 coaching for specific needs. 
Apply the right Breathing technique to the right client at the right time. 
Accelerate your coaching & business to the next level. 

Benefits of OA + ISBC 

OA Advanced Instructor 

✔ 100 hours of study materials. 
✔ Hard and soft copies of the instructor manual. 
✔ Access to 14 hours of live online classes with the founder of OA, Patrick McKeown. 
✔ Marketing images, logos and designs to use on your own site. 
✔ Customisable presentations to use in your own workshops. 


✔ Additional 14 hours live classes with Innate-Strength Founder, Leo Ryan. 
✔ Access to the IS Training App. 
✔ Expand your knowledge beyond methods to learn how breathing affects the Health Performance Pyramid® & the Breathing Continuum®. 
✔ Learn to Restore the Breathing System with a global perspective of Breath Training. 
✔ Know how to assess your client accurately.  
✔ Apply the right breathing technique, at the right time for the right client. 
✔ Create Awesome BreathWork Experiences for your people to enjoy and delve deeper within themselves. 
✔ Know how to look after the weakest person in the room. 
✔ Learn the Innate-Strength Breathing Level System® for Sports Performance. 
To register, simply complete the form and make payment. You will receive an email confirmation from both Innate-Strength and Oxygen Advantage. You’ll gain immediate access to your OA training portal , where you can begin your training straight away. 


Once you have completed your live training, you may automatically attend any future online training sessions free of charge to refresh your skill. 

OA Advanced Instructor 

✔ Playback on all OA sessions. 
✔ Classes with Fellow OA Master Instructors. 
✔ Affiliate to OA merchandise. 


✔ On-going Mentorship in the I-S community. 
✔ Live Online Inspire Breathwork® Sessions with Leo. 
✔ Pre-made Spotify Breathwork Playlists. 

How Can I use it? 

After you qualify from both certificates you’ll have the knowledge, and the capabilities to mould breathing any way you like. 
Teach it, Coach it or Host amazing retreats and experiences. 
Expand your current fitness business or build a whole breathing practice from scratch. You can specialise with athletes, corporate warriors, women’s health, yoga and more. 
This program will gift you the knowledge, skills and attitude of Breath Training and Breath Work. You simply add them to your love and passion in life. 
Just like the breath, your options are limitless. 

What are the Benefits for my Clients? 

You will learn a complete framework for coaching breathing to your clients. How does this benefit them, you might ask? 


Improves overall health. 
Decreases chronic stress symptoms and help process old traumas. 
Relieves asthma, Covid-19, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction & rhinitis (stuffy nose and hayfever). 
Decreases low back pain, postural issues, migraines and chronic pains. 
Helps with blood sugar control and diabetes management. 
Calms high stress and mental agitation. 
Reduces fatigue and balances mood. 
Resolves insomnia and snoring. 
Reduces depression and anxiety in people with comorbid diseases. 
Relieves constipation, IBS, stomach and menstrual cramps. 
Helps balance female hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle naturally. 


Raises wellbeing baselines. 
Sleep soundly. 
Remain calm under pressure. 
Optimise Mental Strength. 
Focus sharply. 
Task Switch effectively. 
Optimise energy levels. 
Balance your hormones. 
Improve drive for life. 
Relax and restore effectively. 
Get a deeper sense of oneself. 
Observe life from a broader perspective. 
Find more meaning in life. 


Start faster in sport. 
Eliminate 2nd Wind. 
Optimise Aerobic Capacity 
Delays fatigue and lactic acid production. 
Strengthens respiratory muscles 
Improves movement economy and time. 
Regulates Intra-Abdominal-Pressure for lifting heavy things and working hard. 
Boosts Endurance. 
Focus sharply. 
Calms your body and mind in an instant. 
Enhances Recovery from training. 
Turns your opponent’s breathing into your strength. 


Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor Curriculum 

Class 1 
Intro to the OA 
Screening for breathing pattern disorders 
Relating breathing and movement 
The science of respiratory physiology 
Class 2 
Increasing O2 uptake at rest and in sport. 
All things Nasal Breathing 
Addressing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction 
Improving sleep quality and performance 
Class 3 
BOLT Score 
Maximum Breathlessness Test 
Intermittent Hypoxic Hypercapnic Training (IHHT) 
IHHT and Sport 
Class 4 
Delay onset of Lactic acid and fatigue 
Long term effects of breath holding 
Increasing aerobic capacity 
Class 5 
Pre-competition preparation 
OA and Wim Hof 
Increasing Creativity 
Programme Design 
Class 6 
Heart Rate Variability 
Intra-abdominal pressure 
Core Control 
Improve respiratory muscle strength 
Teach OA 
Class 7 
Get in the Zone 
Recap of course material 
Extended Q&A 

Innate-Strength Breath Coach Curriculum 

Class 1 
Intro to ISBC 
Modern History of Breathing 
Breathing & Functional Anatomy 
Assessing Breathing Mechanics 
Restoring Breathing Mechanics 
Class 2 
Breath Coaching 1 – OA Training 
The Neuro -Anatomy & -physiology of Breathing 
The Health Performance Pyramid® 
The Health & Breathing Continuums 
Class 3 
Supraventilation Breathwork Methods 1 - history 
Supraventilation Breathwork Methods 1 – breath play 
Supraventilation Breathwork Methods 2 – the science so far 
Class 4 
Trauma and Breathwork 
Breath Coaching 1 - Integration 
Breath Coaching 2 - Constructing an I-S Inspire Breathwork® Session 
Class 5 
Breath Coaching 3 – I-S Inspire Breathwork® 
Class 6 
Energy Pathway Physiology 101 
Breathing and Movement Training 
The Breathing Level System® for Breathing in Sport 
Class 7 
Advanced Breath Training Methods 
Lifestyle factors on breathing 
*Bonus Live Inspire Breathwork®I-S Sessions throughout the training. 

What do I need to do to Qualify? 


Written Exam 
3 OA Case Studies 


Attain OAAI Certificate. 
Pass the I-S Written Exam. 
Attend 5 I-S Inspire Breathwork® sessions. 
Attend 3 different Breathwork sessions from non-IS instructors. 
Host 5 I-S Inspire Breathwork® Sessions. 
Provide 3 Breath Training Case Studies. 
Provide 3 Sports Breathing Case Studies. 


Cost OA: €995 
Cost ISBC: €995 
20% Reduction for Combo package Paid up front: €1595 
Pay in 3 monthly instalments €585 x 3 
Alternative setup 
If you are an already qualified OA® Advanced Instructor or Buteyko Instructor then you can add the ISBC qualification to your skillset for: 
ISBC ONLY: €995 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Breathwork is typically a single breathing technique or a one-off breathing session. It’s purpose is to change the state of your mind through a specialised breathing technique. 
Breath Training is the intentional practice of improving your breathing for health or a specific purpose, like sports performance. 
Breath Coaching is the process of guiding a client through a plan to optimise their breath for health or for a specific purpose. 
The training is composed of two parts: Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor and Innate-Strength® Breath Coach. 
The course content is provided as: 
• 28 hours of live training by Zoom or in person 
• Video modules 
• Copies of manuals. 
• Support network. 
Once you have completed the course, you are welcome to sign up to any future sessions to refresh your skills. You can also join the OA® affiliate scheme and earn commission on Oxygen Advantage® products. 
Only certified Oxygen Advantage® Instructors are allowed to teach and advertise using the Oxygen Advantage® method, brand materials and name. 
Only certified Innate-Strength® coaches are allowed to teach and advertise using the Innate-Strength® method, brand materials and name. 
Yes. This course will give you everything you need to become both Innate-Strength® Breath Coach and an Oxygen Advantage® Instructor. You will be qualified to host I-S® Inspire Breathwork sessions, Coach breath training in groups and tailor Breathing to your clients’ specific needs. 
You will learn to: 
Identify an adapted breathing pattern. 
Understand adapted breathing and its affect on physical, mental and emotional health. 
Understand the science behind breathing, including: neuro-anatomy, neuro-physiology, respiratory physiology and functional anatomy. 
Understand the interactions between life and stress on breathing patterns, including: 
o The Health Performance Pyramid® 
o The Health and Breathing Continuums® 
Deliver and Coach exercises to: 
o Free the breathing mechanics, 
o Breathe freely through the nose at rest and in low intensity exercise. 
Understand how to apply breathing through all of sports performance, including: 
o The Innate-Strength Breathing Level System®. 
Create gorgeous I-S® Inspire Breathwork® Sessions. 
Plus, you’ll expand your coaching skillset and meet lots of like-minded coaches. 
Yes – a few of them! We have developed the most comprehensive Breath Coach Course in the world. We want you to be a fully competent coach and exams are used to help you asses your level of knowledge. 
The exams are comprehensive. You’re expected to complete several case studies and journal your experiences with breathwork too. 
But don’t worry, we do everything we can to help you succeed and thrive as a Breath Coach. 
Of course there is, we are coaches just like you after all. We know that coaching and support is the fastest route to helping somebody achieve their goals. 
You receive two certificates! You’ll become OA® Advanced Instructor certified and I-S® Breath Coach certified. Once you’ve completed your exams, submitted your case studies and journal then you’ll receive a digital certificate. 
During the course, How do I reach out if I have a problem? 
Simply email or ask us a question during any live session. 
Yes you can reach out anytime via email 
Yes you can. Select the I-S® breath Coach only option in the payment section. You’ll receive a discount on the price for your previous OA® training. You will have to email us a copy of your OA® certificate before you begin this course. 

Get In Touch 

I have a ton of experience and knowledge developing health, strong and fitness for people like you. I wanted to get my message out to more people which is why I created Innate Strength. I know you can be healthier, stronger and fitter when you train the Innate Strength way. The training programs and events are designed with your Vision in mind and no matter where you are in the world, I can now be your personal trainer. 
Whether you’re looking for customised coaching or you have a burning question form, please get in touch by using the form below. I will do my best to get back to you within 48 hours. Alternatively, email me directly at  


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